Opera On Wheels
Opera on Wheels is designed to create opportunities for the children of our community to experience educational, interactive, live opera
Patrick Tide
A Saint Patrick's Day celebration of music, poetry, and dance. Join us for this cultural event and a casual reception following the performance. All proceeds fund Opera On Wheels

Annual Benefit
Our Annual Benefit provides funding for our various outreach programs. The 2015 recipient of our 'MCLO VIRTUOSO AWARD' was noneother than Aretha Franklin

The Motor City Lyric Opera’s 'Opera on Wheels' educational outreach program teaches ethics through the magic of music. Bringing 'opera with a message' to children is one of the major goals of The Motor City Lyric Opera. 'Opera on Wheels' is one of the few opera outreach programs of its kind in the nation. It is designed to create opportunities for children from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds to experience educational, interactive, live opera performances by trained singers. Last season's production of "The Billy Goat's Gruff," a one-act opera in English, was experienced by thousands of Detroit area children free of charge.
“The Billy Goat's Gruff” is a 40-minute opera for children of all ages (sung in English).
At the end of the performance, cast members pass out a lollypop to each student, reinforcing the message, “No Bullying."
Students receive a study guide so they can become familiar with operatic terms, etc.
After the performance, there is a “talk back,” giving students the opportunity to ask questions of the performers.
Due to sponsorship, there is no cost for this production.
The audience receives an evaluation form to complete and return, so that we may better serve the children.